Gages Lake Bible Church
Week of February 16-22
- Ladies Bible Study, Feb 19...The Ladies Bible Study, led by Becky Martens, meets every other Wednesday night at the church at 6:30 p.m., this month meeting on February 5 and 19. The study, called "God of Covenant," is based on a guide written by Jan Wilkin. If you have any questions, please contact Becky Martens.
Week of February 23-March 1
- Reminder for Feb. 23...Return your Informed Choices Baby Bottles on this date.
- Board Meeting, Feb. 23...The February Board Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 23 at 3:30 p.m.
- Men's Breakfast, Mar. 1...All men are encouraged to join us for our monthly meeting-for a light breakfast, time in prayer, and fellowship. We will meet at the church at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 1.
Week of March 2-8
- Ladies Lunch, Mar. 2...All ladies of the church are invited to gather together for lunch the first Sunday of each month immediately after the church service. Meet at McAllister's Deli in Gurnee, located in the Grand Hunt Center at 6557 Grand Avenue (located in the outer drive near Helzberg Diamonds). This is an ongoing invitation-no sign-up, just come if you can on each first Sunday. See Becky Martens if you have any questions.
- Identity Youth Group, Mar. 2...This group meets at the church from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. each Sunday evening. All teens are encouraged to come enjoy a fun time together as they study the Word of God.
- Ladies Bible Study, Mar 5...The Ladies Bible Study, led by Becky Martens, meets every other Wednesday night at the church at 6:30 p.m., this month meeting on March 5 and 19. The study, called "God of Covenant," is based on a guide written by Jan Wilkin. If you have any questions, please contact Becky Martens.
More March activities to come....